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martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

Vesania - Firefrost Arcanum

  1. Mystherion, crystaleyes
  2. Introit algor
  3. Nova persei
  4. Algorfocus nefas
  5. Marduke´s mazemerising
  6. Moonthrone, dawn broken
  7. Niantroit focus
  8. Daemoonion act. ii
  9. Introit nefas
  10. Dukedoom black

VESANIA - Distractive Killusion

  1. Narrenschyff

  2. The dawnfall (Hamartia and hibris)

  3. Infinity horizon

  4. Rage of reason

  5. Of bitterness and clarity

  6. Silence makes noise (Eternity - The mood)

  7. Hell is for children

  8. Aesthesis

  9. Distractive Cryscendo

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